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“Most of what I love about the country is a gift of the rivers . . . America is a great story, and there is a river on every page of it.” -Charles Kuralt, On the Road With Charles Kuralt

How Your Support Helps

You can help protect the St. Croix River and its outstanding scenic landscape by providing financial support to help overcome the most important barrier to preserving the river we love: a historic lack of public access to information.

The public needs good information to support environmental actions they would like to take. But historically, public access to conservation documents and advocacy materials has been limited, with documents scattered across many agencies and organizations.

Your support will help the Study Center provide public access to a wide range of conservation and environmental advocacy materials in one online digital library.

Study Center conservation materials available in this new virtual public workspace will be actively used to promote public discussion, study, and effective communication of ideas needed to protect the river environment.

Your gift will help Study Center stewards collect, scan and archive a treasure of conservation papers of Gaylord Nelson and Walter Mondale, and provide public access to new research and other advanced tools needed to protect the St. Croix River valley.

The St. Croix Scenic Coalition and St. Croix Scenic Byway seek to raise $100,000 to develop the St. Croix Conservation Collections and to build a hard copy collection within the St. Croix Conservation Study Center itself—a dedicated 800 square feet physical space within the St. Croix Falls Public Library.

Your support also contributes to ongoing public outreach and environmental education programming. Programming includes conservation workshops, films, nature and outdoor programs for families, scholarly conferences, public policy discussions, and research assistance. (1708)

Learn More

Conservation Study Center Brochure

Donate Now!

Please help to support broader public access to eLibrary conservation collections that educate and directly support public actions to protect the St. Croix River valley.

Your support will provide resources needed by the public and will lead to new public actions that build on the well-known environmental legacy of two great St. Croix valley residents, Gaylord Nelson and Walter Mondale.

Gifts are tax deductible and may be sent to:

St. Croix Conservation Collection Fund • St. Croix Scenic Coalition • P.O. BOX 508 • St. Croix Falls, WI 54024

© Copyright 2011 St. Croix Scenic Coalition All Photographs courtesy of Bill Neuman