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Creating a St. Croix Valley Conservation Ethic

“Cultural and natural sites form the environment on which human beings depend psychologically, religiously, educationally and economically. Their destruction or even deterioration could be harmful to the survival of our identity, our nations and our planet. We have the responsibility to preserve these sites for future generations.” -World Heritage Pledge, World Heritage Youth Forum, Bergen, Norway (UNESCO 2007)
Gaylord Nelson

Gaylord Nelson Legacy

“Conservation is a cause that has no end. There is no point at which we will say our work is finished.”

-Rachel Carson, on accepting the Audubon Medal (National Audubon Society) in 1964.

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walter mondale legacy

Walter Mondale Legacy

“In the 19th century, we devoted our best minds to exploring nature. In the 20th century, we devoted ourselves to controlling and harnessing it. In the 21st century, we must devote ourselves to restoring it.”

-Stephen Ambrose, Historian

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walk in the woods

Earth Day

“The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.”

-Ross Perot

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nature walk

Partner Projects

The most important environmental issue is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the lack of a conservation ethic in our culture.”

-Gaylord Nelson

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scenic view

Actions I Can Take

“Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water.

Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.”

-Dr. Carl Sagan

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For more information about Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day, and Teach-in Curriculum Resources see GAYLORD NELSON PROJECT.

© Copyright 2011 St. Croix Scenic Coalition All Photographs courtesy of Bill Neuman